Tips & Tricks
7 min

What do Successful Print-on-Demand Stores Have in Common? | Fuel POD


A lot of questions pop into our heads when starting a business. But there is one that haunts us day and night: How do successful print-on-demand stores gain their prestige? The truth is that a business’s success depends on many factors, especially when talking about the best print-on-demand Shopify businesses. 

However, we have found out that many of Fuel’s successful customers have to apply different strategies to grow their businesses. Some of the most common factors that will affect your strategy depend on things like:

  • The product you offer to your consumers
  • The efforts of communication you use to promote your products
  • The desire you put into making your designs attractive and desirable
  • And above all, the constant updating of the platforms to be at the forefront of technology

Don’t worry. We’ll explain more of this down here so you can achieve successful sales with your custom products on your ecommerce site. 

Here are some of the top tips to become a master: 

1. Master your print-on-demand website 

Graphic image of people mastering their online print-on-demand business.
Discover how to master your print-on-demand website

It would be best if you mastered all the tools used to create a successful website. In this case, you must invest time in using the best Shopify tools available. 

Remember that print-on-demand is a low-risk business because of its simple way to start a hugely profitable margin with no inventory. Still, it's up to you to dedicate effort to developing something interesting for your buyers.

Here are some strategies you can implement:

  • Search for SEO optimization so people can reach your e-commerce easily
  • Describe all your products with the right keywords. Think like a customer!
  • Develop your brand identity to sync all your products with your website
  • Choose your niche or target market to position your products  
  • Create a strong relationship with your print-on-demand partner

💡 Fuel tip: Create an attractive landing page. Love is born at first sight, and if a buyer loves what they see, they will surely ask for it. 

2. Design print-on-demand products that people want to buy

It is crucial to explore what your competitors are doing before creating a brand. Make an investigation about the trends, search for the products and services that sell, and look at what people are buying nowadays. 

We are not asking you to use any of these ideas for your print-on-demand shirts but to think about what could work for you. 

💡 Fuel tip: Remember that you can’t handle the whole market. Try a specific hobby or niche to start your custom designs. Simplicity is the best thing you can do, but don’t forget about good taste too! 

3. Make your products available

Once you upload a product to your store, it will be available for everyone who sees it. 

With the Fuel app, you can ensure that the mockup will be as good as possible to present to your customers.

💡 Fuel tip: Before selling any product, order one to see if you like it. Quality assurance is essential when you are offering print-on-demand products!

4. Invest time creating a marketing strategy

Create a marketing plan to offer print-on-demand products.

Marketing determines the success of your business. It's not useful to have an e-commerce if you don't use marketing to promote it. Social media is a perfect place to start. Creating a Facebook Business page, an Instagram profile, and a Twitter account is entirely free.

Did you know that Facebook and Instagram are the top social networks to sell online? Facebook has 2.41 billion monthly active users and is also the 3rd most visited website in the world. That means a lot of opportunities to make a sale, right? 

💡 Fuel tip: Every time a buyer orders a product, ask them to send you some photos to share on your social networks. Real-life pictures and user-generated content can make a lasting impression on your followers.

Read more about creating your Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter marketing strategies. 

5. Place your products on multiple marketplaces

Besides social media channels, you can also share your e-commerce site on other platforms such as Etsy, Amazon, eBay, and more. This will improve your reach for additional visualization and expansion. 

💡 Fuel tip: Don't forget to show the same graphic line on all your platforms so that your brand looks consistent, just like the best print-on-demand Shopify stores! 

6. Paid advertising

Once you've made some sales on your site, it's time for you to enter the world of paid advertising.

There are a lot of places where you can advertise your products. Maybe you can start in Google Ads or Facebook Ads, but you must invest more to reach these platforms. (It’s worth it!)

*Successful seller tip:  Don’t try this method unless someone you don’t know has purchased the design. If you can’t sell one shirt using free methods, it’s unlikely to be a good design. That means you must change it!

7. Refresh your products frequently  

To create a successful selling cycle, you must change your designs and products regularly. Create a calendar to add temporary products, add specific designs to your niches, and don’t forget that you must give a refresh to your merchandise unless you have a best-seller.

💡 Fuel tip: Always keep an eye on seasonal trends for design inspiration. 

Real success starts with small actions. Running a business can be effortless if you spend enough of your time, dedication, and patience. Don’t worry! We are here to help you start your POD business now. 

If you’re already using the Fuel app, take a look at our blog post Avoid the 5 Most Common Mistakes Fuel Users Make and prepare for success! 

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