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The Best Shopify POD apps | Fuel POD


The best Shopify print-on-demand apps to improve your store

In the ecommerce world, you’ll face constant competition, new technologies, improvements for different devices, and new content ideas to promote your business. It is easy to feel overwhelmed when looking for the best tools to improve your business. Luckily, you just came to the right place. 

We’ve gathered here the best Shopify print-on-demand apps and services you can use to upgrade your ecommerce store to the next level. Whether you’re looking for designing tools, mockups, lead capture apps, or SEO optimizers, we got you covered!

  1. Fuel: Print-on-Demand - POD fulfillment

If you’re looking for the lowest prices, the finest quality, and super-fast turnarounds for your print-on-demand business, Fuel is for you. We take care of everything so you can focus on maximizing your profits. Our app is easy to use, so you only have to upload your artwork and enjoy your high-profit margins.

  1. Instafeed - Add your Instagram feed to your Shopify store

Your social media platforms are perfect for integrating social proofs of your customers with your products in your e-commerce. This app lets you add your display custom shoppable feed minimally and elegantly. 

  1. PlaceIt - Mockups

If you aren’t a designer but still want to add specific mockups to match your target market in social media, you must know about this service. It provides thousands of mockups for you to add your artwork and share them in your store! 

Using this resource will allow your customers to see how the product looks more realistic and buyable.  

  1. Etsy - Extra selling platform

There are some additional platforms to add your Shopify products to generate more views and visits to your online store. Etsy is an e-commerce website where sellers and business owners sell their products.

You can use it as an extra marketing tool for your POD business. 

  1. Klaviyo - For email marketing

Kaviyo collects user data from Shopify, making it easier to reach possible customers. When a prospect abandons their cart or browsing session, this app sends them a recovery email to convert them into buyers. It’s a great tool to boost sales! 

You can also create personalized campaigns in the way users interact with your website. 

  1. Yotpo - For user reviews

Most consumers read online reviews before making a purchase. That’s why adding reviews will help you give social proof to your business and increase brand credibility. 

Yotpo collects product reviews, photo reviews, site reviews, and ratings by sending a reminder email after a customer makes a purchase. You can also link your social media accounts to Yotpo and even generate Google Ads that show star ratings in your products. 

  1. Export Feed - Open new platforms 

Expanding your business to other marketplaces will help you to increase conversions on your products. With this service, different customers will have access to your store to make their purchases by adding your products to places like Amazon, Etsy, eBay, Bing, among others. 

You’ll see that the number of potential customers will increase!

  1. - Image optimization

If you want to become relevant, you must pay attention to ensure that your images are optimized for your Shopify print-on-demand store. 

This app will automatically compress your images while you upload them to your store. The image compression will help the performance of your website while retaining your customers for a longer time. 

  1. GrooveJar - For lead capture

GrooveJar is a powerful tool to capture new leads. It has eight different vias to add the email addresses of your POD business visitors to your email marketing list. 

You’ll have to choose a paid plan to use it, but it is intensely profitable for your store!

  1. SEO Image Optimizer - All‑in‑one SEO

This app will help you optimize meta tags, alt text, and all the technical SEO you need. You’ll get more website visibility, which means more web traffic and more profits!

  1. Langify - Translate your shop into multiple languages

This is the app for you if you’re planning to expand your store into different markets. Langify will allow you to translate your entire website into other languages, so you can reach even more customers. 

  1. Loox - Photo reviews

Reviews are crucial for customers when deciding to buy or not a product. Loox is a review app that enables your business to collect customer reviews with photos in a lovely display to share their real-life experiences.

Men holding a coffee mug with a Fuel design on it. One of the best Shopify pod apps.

Take your POD business to the next level

Now you have the best apps to improve your ecommerce store, you might want to learn how to prepare your Facebook marketing strategy or the best design tools to create new merch.  

Don’t forget the ecommerce world is constantly changing, so keep up the good work and update your store and marketing strategy periodically!

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