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6 Powerful Instagram Marketing Tips | Fuel POD


6 Powerful Instagram Marketing Tips

Instagram is on fire. 

It has been a success since its launch. Almost everyone, including some funny pets, has their account on this platform. Over one billion users use it, and it’s the second most popular social network, just behind Facebook.

But that’s not all. Did you know that more than 80% of users have discovered a new business or product on Instagram? That is one of the reasons why you must invest time on this platform. Instagram is no longer only for personal use. It allows brands to humanize their content, inspire their customers, and showcase their products in a funny and creative way. 

Sit back and read these Instagram marketing tips for an ecommerce business so you can master this social channel: 

Create an Instagram business account

The first thing you need to do is to make your Instagram a business account. Unlike a personal profile, a business account will allow you to get insights, share contact information, and the most fundamental thing: sell directly on the platform. Exactly what you need from Instagram for ecommerce businesses.

As a tip, set your Instagram account with your business email address. This way, your personal Facebook profile won’t be linked to your business account.

Remember that just like Facebook, you should publish regular, relevant content for your target audience. If you want to keep your followers engaged, you’ll have to be creative. 

Don’t forget to also set:

  • Your profile picture. We recommend you use your store logo. 
  • Your bio. A summary of who you are and why people should choose you. You can also add here an URL to your business page.
  • Manage your Instagram settings. Allow comments and replies from your followers, hide offensive comments, and more.

Use different types of Instagram posts

Screenshot of Fuel’s Instagram profile pointing out all the data you need to set up: bio, contact information, website, and the Insights and Shop tabs.
Remember to add all the important information in your Instagram bio.

Instagram allows you to post different types of content:

  • Feed

Here you can post photos, videos, and carousels. Remember that your followers will be looking for genuine content, so try making your product stand out. You can share behind-the-scenes, reposts from your consumers, educational info, quotes, holiday posts, artistic posts, user-generated content, etc. 

  • Stories

Instagram Stories allow you to post photos or videos (with a maximum length of 15 seconds) without overposting your feed. With this feature, you can share your products naturally, showcase live events, use boomerangs and hyper-lapse, among others. If you also have the swipe-up feature, don’t forget to add a link to your store.

  • Reels

Reels have the same size as Instagram Stories, with a length of 15 to 30 seconds. You can add copyrighted music here, just remember to add it while uploading the video and not when editing it. The Instagram algorithm favors this format, so it is an excellent way to reach new customers. 

  • IGTV 

This format allows you to post videos with a 10 minutes maximum duration. You can make the most of this format to share important updates or events, even some creative processes.

Picture showing a cellphone with a carousel post on Instagram.
Find out which types of posts your audience likes, and make the most out of your Instagram for your ecommerce business.

The key to master all Instagram types of posts is to play with the different formats until you learn what works best with your audience. 

Make Instagram hashtags your BFF

Hashtags help people to find your business while filtering content on a specific topic. That means you can reach people that are not currently following your account. 

To use them effectively, choose the ones that can identify the content you are publishing. So if you are sharing your print-on-demand shirts, you can add something like #tshirts #shirtdesign #tee #customshirt

Try a mix of hashtags with small, medium, and large reach, so your posts don’t get lost. You should also consider creating a distinctive hashtag for your brand!

💡 Fuel tip: Don’t forget to blend trending hashtags with specific hashtags to increase your post reach and impressions. 

Add interactive features to your posts

Likes and comments are crucial for creating engagement in your business profile, but there are other ways to interact with your followers like: 

  • Creating polls about “Ask me Anything” to resolve your customers’ questions  
  • Posting countdowns to release your products
  • Running contests or giveaways on your Instagram Stories and Feed
  • Post your product reviews and feedback
  • Create stories where people can answer different polls and questions - feedback for free!

Use Instagram Shopping

Graphic with an Instagram marketing tip: Create engagement and get feedback by adding interactive features to your Instagram posts.
Interactive features and CTAs in your posts are a great way to obtain feedback for your print-on-demand store.

Instagram for business allows you to market your products per image to display your product names, descriptions, and prices. 

If your potential customers click on the image, they’ll get redirected to your shop. It’s easy to do it, but you’ll need to create a Facebook Catalog for your Instagram business account. Here’s how you can set it up. 

Start using Instagram Ads 

Instagram advertising offers another way to engage your brand with the audience and to reach new customers. Unlike other platforms, Instagram ads aren’t as disruptive as others. They are shown as posts in your feed or as stories while you are scrolling through. 

There are two ways to create Instagram Ads. The first one is to set it up on Facebook Business. It works pretty similarly to a Facebook ad. 

The second option it’s a bit easier. Select a post you’d like to boost and click on “Promote it.” To make this option available for you, you will have to connect your Instagram account with your Facebook account.

Once you’ve selected it, you have to choose your ad objective, budget, audience and schedule it. 

Monitor, monitor, monitor!

It’s vital to keep track of your insights. This way, you will know what works best for your brand and how you can attract Instagram users to your print-on-demand store.  

So, once in a month, or biweekly, don’t forget to check your account insights and take a note so you can make the needed adjustments.

Young woman smiling to the camera, with a laptop on her lap.
Learning about Instagram for ecommerce business will help your print-on-demand store grow.

Instagram is a tool to generate more sales. Create high-quality content, inform your audience, and creatively showcase your brand. We’re sure these Instagram marketing tips will help you to start this fun journey. 

To become a master of social media, don’t forget to check our blog posts: Ultimate Guide to Create a Facebook Marketing Strategy and Twitter Marketing: the complete guide for your business

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