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How to Create a Company Logo That Sells | Fuel POD


How to create a powerful logo that sells

Logo is the most important element that represents your brand. It is the main differentiator of your products against millions of similar ones. 

Designing a logo is a serious thing. 

Your logo is a concise representation of your values, vision, and your company's overall brand identity.

Creating a powerful logo for a small business might seem hard. But the truth is you just need to find a strong combination of shapes, fonts, words (if you are adding any), and colors. And it must be simple and easy to recognize.

If you still don’t know where to start, don’t worry. We’ll help you! Read this step-by-step guide on creating your company logo: 

What is a logo?

Let’s get started with a little bit of theory. 

A logo is a symbol or design used to identify a business or organization. It’s how your company will be recognized among others; the visual face of your business. It’s the perfect opportunity to show everyone your brand’s statement and vision.

There are different types of logos:

  • Logotype: a graphic representation of a brand’s name. 
  • Isotype: is a figure or image that represents the brand. 
  • Imagotype: Text and graphics representing the brand. 
  • Isologo: It has the brand name and a symbol, but the elements cannot be divided. 
Graphic explaining different types of logos.
Before creating your company logo, learn which logo type would be best for your ecommerce business.

Although the logo is just a small start to creating your brand identity, it is the point that defines the personality of your brand

Creating your logo

Start by answering a few questions: 

  • What is my brand about? 
  • What do I want to achieve? 
  • What kind of products do I want to sell? 
  • What is my target market or niche? 
  • How can I stand out  among my competitors? 

Once you’ve answered these questions, you can start thinking about your brand name. You must have your brand name before creating the logo for your ecommerce business - it will help you find the elements you need!

When brainstorming on your own or with your team,  consider names and graphics that would best match your products. 

Remember that none of the ideas are silly or not helpful. Write down everything you can think of  and then identify connections  and interpretations until you create that perfect business logo for your company!

Young Black woman learning how to create a logo for her ecommerce business.
Learning how to create your company logo may sound complicated, but we’ll guide you through the process!

Free Logo Maker Tools 

For most designers, creating  a logo is considered art. It requires a lot of research and commitment. If you can’t hire a graphic designer, don’t worry. Once you’ve gathered all the information you need, you can use some free tools to make the “logo magic” happen. 

Check some of our favorites:


For a quick and customizable option, you can try Logaster. This website generates hundreds of logo options with the name of your brand. 

You can review different versions until you find the one you like the most. Keep in mind that you can use a free version with low resolution or a paid version with high-resolution files. This app is ideal for those who have limited design skills! 


Canva is an incredible graphic design option for those who are willing to work just a little bit harder and experiment with their creative skills. This tool is easy to use, and it offers many templates and fonts that come handy  for developing your style. 

You can create all the visual content you need with a free plan, or you can pay a fee to subscribe to Canva Pro for additional features.


This logo maker software will help you create a brand that you’ll love. In just a few minutes, you can design a unique logo with tons of fonts, images, and shapes to choose from. 

Brand identity 

Remember, a powerful logo design sells. Don't take it lightly because your logo can lead you through success or failure. Your brand identity is highly relevant for your consumers to recognize your print-on-demand products on every platform you advertise. 

Once you have chosen the colors and design of your logo, you can start creating your marketing strategy. Start by adding some content on social networks and other digital platforms! You can find more information about marketing trends for boosting your e-commerce here.

Now you know how to create your company logo, it is time for you to surprise everyone with the results. 

Great efforts lead to excellent results! 

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