
5 Design Trends for Print-on-Demand on 2022 | Fuel POD


5 Design Trends for Print-on-Demand on 2022

Online buyers are constantly hunting for the latest designs and products, and you have to deliver. Starting a new year is the perfect excuse to refresh your apparel collection. If you’re lacking ideas or just looking for some inspiration, you’ve come to the right place 😎

Design experts have already shared their predictions on what path graphic design is taking this year, and our team has gathered the ones that work best for POD stores. Keep reading to find design trends and print-on-demand product ideas to try this 2022!

Design Trends to Check On

Every ecommerce has its own style and brand guidelines that make them unique. However, allowing that flexibility to join trends is what sets apart the good from the great. So don’t be afraid to become a trend-setter yourself:

It’s a Very Peri Year!

Speaking of flexibility, you have to honor Pantone’s Color of the Year: Very Peri. A bold color that incites creativity and helps creators embrace a landscape of possibilities, design-wise and in all business matters.

Image showing Pantone’s color of the year, a 2022 design trend for print-on-demand.

The selection of this color is no coincidence, as 2022 is loaded with candy color schemes. So, allow your artwork to get a bit Peri-ed, as you’ll start to see this color in products, illustrations, web, and graphic design all over the industry. 

Have Fun with Fonts

It’s time to get funky! The idea here is to highlight and create dynamism over a text. This trend tries to break the standards, but playing with typography is an art: There’s a thin line between making an impact and oversaturating your design.

 Image showing a comparison of a font design trend for 2022.
When working with typography, make sure your text is readable and understandable. 

Here’s how to achieve it:

  • Change a letter upside down, in a different font, color, or even missing. Any idea that might turn a character into the center of attention is valid. 
  • Play with font sizes, variations, and thickness between phrases to draw the readers’ attention.

💡Fuel Tip: This trend is perfect for spicing up products with simple quotes, emphasizing a message, or bringing attention to something specific. 

We’re Back in the Y2K

Moving from the 80’s and 90’s nostalgia, we set ourselves in a new decade: The 2000s. This specific period of time, between the late nineties and the start of the new millennium, is characterized by iridescent colors, 2D and 3D art, gradients, and heavy use of iconography.

Image of a print-on-demand crewneck sweatshirt with a design inspired by Y2K.

You can pull off this trend by going in a rave design-like direction, using pinks, bright oranges, and blue color palettes, adding “blobby” or “drippy” elements, using a shiny finish in your artwork. 

Riso Style Has Risen 

We find risograph art aesthetic as we continue to travel back in time with some of these 2022 design trends. If you’re considering going for a retro collection, this is the trend to work with. 

Risograph was used initially for office copying, but artists adopted this printing method as an inspiration to create artwork with vivid colors and intended imperfections, such as alignment issues or textures.

GIF of a print-on-demand poster with risograph style printing. 

How you can achieve it: 

  • Include geometric shapes and patterns with contrasting colors
  • Create the effect of mismatching lines and elements
  • Overlap graphics to create layers that give depth to your illustration 

💡Fuel Tip: Achieve a risograph effect using Illustrator, Photoshop, or one of these free online design tools

More is More

Finally, we step a foot in our last design trend for print-on-demand: The maximalist era. With its origins back in the 1700s, this trend is all about embracing excess. Contrary to minimalism, maximalism uses little to no white space, immersing oneself in a world of complex patterns, repetition, serif fonts, and detailed intricacies.

Design eye-catching maximalist artwork by using contrasting textures, vivid color combinations, and layered elements to saturate your illustrations. 

Print-on-Demand Product Ideas to Try

We’ve gone a long way reviewing design trends that will take over the industry in 2022, but how can these translate into your products and artwork? Here are some suggestions:

  • Making a Statement – No matter the time of the year, mugs and tote bags are always in high demand. Play around with some fonts and give a twist to your traditional-looking quotes! 
  • Offbeat Accessories – Get creative and design phone cases or posters with a cyberpunk, rave-like aesthetic to honor the 2000s.
  • Retro Apparel – Whether you want to go back to risograph or maximalist style, consider adding a special edition apparel collection. Include sweatshirts, t-shirts, and caps that your customers won’t resist buying. 

💡Fuel Tip: Check on our guide for best-selling products to get new ideas on what to add to your catalog next. 

Feeling trendy already?

We know that after reading this, you have a ton of new ideas that are waiting to come out. Consider what your niche would like to see in your store, the trends that resonate more with your brand, and get down to some creative business 🔥  

Stop by our blog on creating winning artwork if you need some design tips!

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