10 min

Twitter Marketing: The complete guide for your business


When planning your marketing strategy, you must always include Twitter as a fundamental and powerful tool.

This social media platform has more than 145 million daily active users, making it an ideal tool to reach your target market. However, with more than millions of tweets posted every day, you need to be strategic to capture your audience’s attention.

Twitter is a social network and search engine where you can typically find the latest information about anything. From updates of small businesses to world happenings.

That’s why it’s easy to get lost between hundreds of information.
However, it's still a platform where you can engage users with excellent content, reach more followers, increase brand awareness, boost conversions, and get into the daily trending topics.

Don't worry. We’ve got on this guide everything you need to create a highly effective Twitter marketing strategy that will give you the results you need. Check it out:

Creating a Twitter Marketing Strategy

Remember that you should always approach social media with a plan of action. It doesn’t matter if it’s Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter; understanding the platform before using it it’s the key to success.

Before you start, you will require to follow some steps that you may have already used before when creating a strategy for your other social networks, such as:

  • Research everything about your target audience:

Know what your audience is interested in and how you can apply it to Twitter content.

  • Set goals:

Having clear and measurable goals will help you to create a positive impact on your business. Remember to think about SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound goals.

  • Analyze the competition:

Make a quick review of the Twitter accounts of the competition. It can help you define your strategy by avoiding the competitors' weaknesses and creating new ways to distinguish your brand from others.

  • Create guidelines:

Twitter conversations move fast, so you must monitor your account regularly. Create a social media style guide that explains how you will use your business social media accounts, what to publish, and how to use every tool, like hashtags.

  • Design a monthly content calendar:

Planning the content you'll post on your social media will save you effort and stress. It's beneficial to align the content you'll be posting on Twitter with all your channels to have your content prepared with your business promotions and seasonalities.

As you begin using your Twitter account, there are some essential steps you need to follow to ensure you reach your target audience.

Here’s how to get started:

Women working on her computer with her twitter marketing business.
Creating the best twitter marketing strategy for your business

Essential marketing tips to get started

  1. Customize your brand profile

Everyone should recognize your brand the moment they see your Twitter profile. So you should add the same colors, logo, and brand identity that you used to create your business. Consider each of these elements with that characteristics:

  • Handle: Your account name.
  • Header: Your background image.
  • Profile photo: The representation of your brand in everything you do on Twitter.
  • Bio: A brief description of your business.
  • URL: Your business website.
  • Location: To help your audience to know more about your business.
  1. Create Lists

A Twitter list is a helping tool for closing your conversation to the themes that matter to your business. They have curated feeds from selected accounts that allow you to reach relevant discussions or influential people.

That is helpful to achieve your target audience and to see what your competitors are doing.

Remember that these lists are public, so everyone can see them!

  1. Run different types of posts

Versatility is always a good idea. That's why you can use many types of formats on Twitter to get your audience's attention.

Try sharing images, videos, blog posts, retweeting news, creating Twitter polls, and gifs. This way, you will test all the formats, and you will know which ones cause more interaction and engagement in your audience.

  1. Make hashtags your best friend

Remember that hashtags were born on Twitter, so they are a perfect tool to boost your engagement and figure on the platform.

When using hashtags, always consider:

  • Using what's best for your business: Choose the ones that make sense with your business industry and niche.
  • Follow trending hashtags: The explore page displays trending topics. Joining conversations will help you reach new potential buyers. But, make sure your brand can fit the context.
  1. Twitter Ads campaigns

Once you are an expert using Twitter organically, you can try the fantastic world of ads. Advertising on Twitter can help you with more specific objectives, like growing your audience, driving traffic to your website, or promoting your products.

You can choose to promote your account or individual tweets to boost your brand awareness and campaign visibility.

  1. Interact with your followers

As your business grows, you must create personal experiences with your followers to engage them with your brand.

Answer the comments, retweet their mentions, and like their interactions to make them feel listened to and part of your community.

As a final piece of advice, keep track of your analytics. With all the work you are doing in your Twitter marketing, you must ensure that your efforts are being what you expected.

Plan a monthly checkup to see how your publications are performing, content improvements, and what needs to be updated. This way, you will always be making content that your audience will enjoy.

Start taking advantage of this social media platform to drive more traffic to your print-on-demand business and create a community around it. Once you have mastered these business tactics, you will quickly achieve all your brand objectives!

If you are interested in expanding your digital marketing strategy, don't forget to also read: How to Create a Top Pinterest Marketing Strategy.

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