
How to Set Up Google Analytics for Ecommerce | Fuel POD


How to set up Google Analytics for ecommerce 

We don’t need to tell you that tracking your print-on-demand ecommerce store performance is essential to find out if and when you need to make any change on your marketing strategy. And the truth is, there are tons of good tools out there to measure your hard work, but among all of them, Google Analytics is the master.  

This free Google platform tracks your website performance, providing you a vast amount of data about the people visiting your print-on-demand business. This information can ultimately help you to make adjustments to increase your business conversion rate. No wonder why you need Analytics! 

At first glance, this tool can feel overwhelming, so are the first steps you need to start using Google Analytics for ecommerce: 

Why do you need Google Analytics for your POD store? 

As we said already, this platform will allow you to find what’s working and what’s not for your online business. It helps you improve your marketing strategy, find trending products and make adjustments to your pricing strategy. Without data, it’s impossible to see what is working. 

It can help you to answer some questions like: Where does my site traffic come from? What is my conversion rate? Are my social media efforts working? Is my site design working? 

After you answer these questions, you can create a better and more accurate business strategy and keep investing in your results.

Black young men learning about Google Analytics for ecommerces.
Learning about Google Analytics will help your POD store grow!

Starting with Google Analytics 

Some of the data you can get with Google Analytics is: 

  • Page visitors 
  • Your users demographics 
  • Where visitors come from 
  • How users explore your site 
  • What they do on your website
  • How long visitors spend time on your pages 
  • Your bounce rate
  • Behavior flow 
  • Your website’s conversion rate

Among other things! As you can see, you’ll have a 360° view of your ecommerce site and marketing strategy’s performance. 

Set up Google Analytics for ecommerce

To use Google Analytics, login into your Gmail account and go to this page. Click on Start for free, and add your account name on the next screen. Click on next. You’ll see this:

Screenshot of Analytics ready to set up a new account for ecommerce 

If you’re using Shopify, make sure you select “Show advanced options”, and turn on “Create a Universal Analytics Property”, or you won’t be able to track your site’s performance.

The next steps can change depending on the ecommerce platform you are using for your print-on-demand store. If you’re using Shopify, you can follow these steps. No matter which platform you’re using, you need to add a tracking code from Analytics to your website so it can start tracking it. 

After you have added the code to your site, is time to turn on the ecommerce tracking feature on Google Analytics: 

  1. In your Google Analytics account, click on Admin
  2. In the View column, click Ecommerce settings
  3. Turn ON to Enable Ecommerce

And that’s it! It can take up to 24 hours for Google to catch up on the first information about your website. 

Understanding Analytics Reports 

Once you’ve set up Google Analytics, you are ready to navigate through its reports. You’ll see five different categories: 

  • Realtime 

As the name suggests, you’ll see real-time actions on your website, such as active users, their locations, traffic sources, top active pages, and conversions. 

Screenshot of Realtime report category on Google Analytics

  • Audience 

Audience reports provide more insights about your visitors' demographics like age, gender, language, location, the technology used to visit your site, number of visitors, and other important information about your audience's sessions. 

Screenshot of Audience report category on Google Analytics

  • Acquisition 

Here you’ll be able to see how your visitors arrived at your print-on-demand store. You’ll see if they’re coming from social media channels, ad campaigns, and even see what keywords they used to find you.  
This report provides you with valuable information about what is working to drive customers to your site and what could be improved. 

Screenshot of Acquisition report category on Google Analytics

  • Behavior 

Behavior reports tell you essential information about what your visitors are doing at your site, including your pages' speed, load time, and bounce rates. 

Screenshot of Behavior report category on Google Analytics

  • Conversions 

Conversions or ecommerce reports show everything you need to know about your ecommerce products, sales and conversions. 

Screenshot of Conversion report category on Google Analytics for ecommerce

This report explains which products your customers buy, in what quantities, revenue, the information of each transaction, and the time it takes to make a purchase.

Ready to use Analytics for your ecommerce site? 

Google Analytics can seem intimidating, but once you’ve mastered the basics, its reports will help you to grow your business. You can also take advantage of Google’s courses so you can deep dive into Analytics.

Remember that the more complete your marketing strategy is and the more channels you use, the more platforms you will reach your niche market. 

Become a powerful seller by completing your marketing plan with some of these social media strategies: 

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