Tips & Tricks
11 min

How to Create a Top Pinterest Marketing Strategy


Pinterest is a visual app loved by every dreamer that wants to plan their ideal lives.

It allows any user to pin whatever they love from photos, graphics, videos, gifs, and collections by liking, commenting, or saving them into their boards.

More than 416 million people visit Pinterest each month to explore and categorize ideas. That’s why it has become one of the most potent visual search engines for eCommerce.

It’s a strong tool for all kinds of businesses. The best of all? It’s free to sign up, and it’s easy to use it.

Why choose Pinterest for your social media strategy?

Pinterest boards are visual squares and collections of related images made by users or businesses to share your ideas, give tutorials, or sell your print-on-demand products. In addition to including an image or video, every pin has a link to your site or store.

Here are some main reasons why you should include this platform in your marketing strategy:

  • It has a large user base, with 28% of adults and 1 in 2 millennials have accounts on the platform. Mainly if your target market includes millennials, moms, or women’s you should consider this platform in your strategy.
  • It’s the 4th more popular social media platform in the US.
  • Pins are strongly shareable. They will appear more extended than a Facebook post and is the only social media platform that offers a visual search engine where Pinterest users can identify more than billions of objects.
  • It boosts your brand exposure. 77% of users have discovered new brands and products on this platform.
  • Drive traffic to your store. Pinterest has a high click-through rate, making it an ideal tool to generate more traffic to your site.

Getting started it’s effortless. But first, you have to create a Pinterest business account:

Create your Business Account

  1. Enter on Pinterest for business and create your new account.
  2. Write your business name and include your business logo in the profile picture.
  3. Choose your business category and describe your brand.
  4. Build your profile: Add your location, link to your website, description, and claim your other social media accounts with Pinterest.
  5. Add your profile cover and start creating your boards.

Creating your content is the essential thing about Pinterest. There are several types of content you can start to promote your pod business like:

  • Product pins
  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • GIFs
  • Quotes
  • Blog Posts graphics

Once you have decided what type of content you would like to share on this social network, it is essential to start creating your content strategy.
Remember that Pinterest works mainly based on organic searches, so the choice of keywords in your pins must be very accurate. Yes, you’ll have to immerse yourself in the fantastic world of SEO.

Custom Shirts hanging of a rack
Product Pins in Pinterest

Pinterest SEO

You may be asking, how does Pinterest show content when someone is searching for something? There are three main categories that Pinterest SEO looks for when someone type “white t-shirts”:

  1. Domain quality: Be sure to be consistent when adding pins linked to your website and create high-quality content to connect with your audience.
  1. Pin quality: Pinterest rates your pins based on how popular they are, how many times they are shared, and the engagement they have generated with others.  
  1. Topic relevance: Using Keywords. Make in-depth keyword research to add them to your pins and to get your niche attention.

Creating your Pinterest boards must be strategic and relevant for your brand to create a strong presence.

When creating your SEO strategy, you must include keywords in your board names, board descriptions, hashtags, and pin descriptions. It will tell Pinterest how to categorize your content when someone does research.

Fuel tip: Pinterest makes auto-suggests of various ideas and terms that can help you catch the most popular ones. Please take note of them and add some of them to your keywords.

Track your analytics

Social networks should have a constant monitoring process to see what is working and what needs to be optimized. Pinterest analytics allows you to track insights like:

  • Gender, location, interests, and demographics of your followers
  • What content people like the most
  • How people interact with your content

Remember to continually review your data to create the content of interest to your target market and keep generating visits to your website.

Pinterest Ads

When you become a master of your organic strategy, you should consider Pinterest advertising. The advantage of Pinterest advertising is that it is zero invasive.

It will help you reach your search results, use extra keyword information, and choose your target audience, interest, and other demographics.

Now you know how to start creating a Pinterest strategy for your business from scratch.

Remember that the more platforms you use for your business, the more chances you have to find new potential customers and reach your eCommerce sales goals.

Make Pinterest your ally!  

Don’t also forget to check: Marketing trends for boosting your eCommerce

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