14 min

Top Amazon Marketing Tips for POD Businesses


Having a successful print-on-demand business requires a significant marketing effort. On many occasions, using different platforms such as eBay or Amazon to increase sales is necessary. If you decided to list your products on Amazon, you made an excellent choice. Keep reading to find our top Amazon marketing tips that will let you step up your game and ultimately drive more sales.

Amazon is the leading e-retailer in the United States with close to 386 billion U.S. dollars in net sales. Being one of the most valuable brands worldwide, there is no way to deny its power on the ecommerce market. Now, imagine mixing this power with Fuel, the print-on-demand app for power sellers, and you’ll be well on your way to scale your business and maximize your profits! 

Many of Fuel’s most successful sellers embrace the power of Amazon and other ecommerce platforms using the following two options to create orders:  

  1. CSV Order Import allows you to bulk import orders and products from a CSV file. 
  2. Create a sample or manual order directly on the app.

Follow the steps on the links, and you will easily create orders on Fuel to sell on any channel outside of Shopify, including Amazon!

You may have your Amazon account ready, but you haven't received the response you expected? Did you know that this marketplace has around 1.9 million active sellers? No wonder it is too easy to get lost in the immense offer of products. But don't get discouraged; all you need to do is refine your Amazon marketing strategy, and here are the best tips to do so.

Rank high using Amazon SEO

First of all, you need to know that Amazon has its own search engine called A9 that works differently than others. The focus of this platform is to generate sales so products more likely to create sales appear on top of the search results based on their relevance and performance. Here are the must check recommendations:

  • Research all relevant keywords. The relevance factor of your items mostly depends on the keywords you use. They are essential to your title and description, and you only need to use a keyword once for it to rank, unlike other search engines. Check out our blog on How to use the right keywords to increase traffic to pick the best keywords.
  • Optimize your product title. Lucky for us, Amazon shares its best practices for titles that are the basic guidelines you need to comply with to create searchable titles for A9. So keep them below 200 words, stay clear of special characters, and don't use promotional phrases for best results.
  • Include keywords in bullet points. Bullet points are a major SEO factor on Amazon. They are the best way to show the characteristics of your product and keep your customers attention. So, keep them short and sweet to convince your potential buyers.
  • Optimize product descriptions. Make them easy to read and avoid duplicating information from the bullet points. You can use them to tell more about your brand and to include your product benefits and uses.  
  • Check the Amazon guide for the best titles. Follow their simple formulas depending on specific products. For example: Brand + Material + Size + Product Type + Color.
  • Use Amazon backend keywords. These are the hidden search terms that you can add to a product listing to boost visibility. For example, if you are selling a Men's T-shirt and it is in your title, Men's Tee or Men's Top could be your backend keywords.  
  • Pay attention to your Q&A section. Customers look for key information about your product in this section, so make sure you answer them promptly and keep them up to date to become part of the best Amazon sellers.  
  • Choose your prices strategically. It's imperative to keep track of your competitor's prices since it is an important ranking factor. Affordability is crucial, and you want to stay close to the competition prices; otherwise, you won't be ranking on the first page. If you want more help on setting the right price, check out our step-by-step pricing guide.

Make sure to take all of these points into consideration, and you'll have no problem ranking high on product pages using SEO for your benefit.

Add great product photos

High-quality product pictures are hugely important for your ranking since they have the most influence on your listing performance. First, you need to know that there is a difference between the main image and additional images. The main one is what every consumer will see when looking for your product, among the others. You must use your most attractive product image because people will click on it or on your competitors' products.

For the main image, you must use a clear, high-quality image of the product being sold on a white background. The entire product must be in the frame and fill 85% or more of the picture. The product's color should be as true to real life as possible, and it shouldn't contain additional objects, text, or graphics.

On the other hand, additional images are viewable once you clicked on the product. They should be of excellent quality, and they must be related to the product being sold. Here you can use props, backgrounds, text, and demonstrative graphics. Also, you can use cropped or close-up images to show details of your item.

A great main picture will lead to more clicks, improving your performance, giving you a higher ranking in return. It is always a best practice to check for the image recommendations directly from the platform guidelines in case anything changes.

Use Amazon Advertising

Sometimes our product listings could use a little nudge to reach potential customers. This is where Amazon marketing services can be of great help. They offer different options of sponsor ads to assist you in reaching your goals:

  • Sponsored Products. They are cost-per-click ads that promote individual products on Amazon. These appear within shopping results pages and on product detail pages reaching customers who are browsing for products like yours and directing them to your product page.
  • Sponsored Brands. These are cost-per-click ads that include your brand logo, a custom headline, and multiple products. They show up in relevant shopping results as banners that help customers searching for similar products discover your brand.
  • Sponsored Display. These types of ads, similar to sponsor products, let you reach the right audience for your business. The difference is that this one works both on and off Amazon with display campaigns.

Amazon advertising also offers the opportunity to create your own custom multipage store where you can showcase your brand story and product offerings for free.

Women shopping online on Amazon
Customer shopping online from a POD business on Amazon

Promote on social media

We are living in the social media era, so why not use it for your benefit? Suppose you already have a social media channel for your business. In that case, you should tap into its power to promote your products.  

Social media can be an excellent tool to create brand awareness. Some platforms allow you to include the link directly to your Amazon product link.

Producing content for every channel can be overwhelming, and there is no need to join every new platform. When used appropriately, social media can be an excellent tool to boost your business since you can have a direct conversation with customers. Make sure you review your accounts daily to answer questions, reviews, and other messages.

The best tips we can offer when it comes to social media marketing are constantly trying new things and keeping an eye on what works for you.  

There you have it, follow these recommendations and watch your POD business grow in Amazon to the next level!

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