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How to Reach More Customers | Fuel POD


How to Reach More Customers, Even if They’ve Never Heard From You 

Do you know how to reach more customers? Well, it is time for you to learn how to get people to buy your product and get ready to turn strangers into loyal customers!

Today is a great day to review your digital marketing strategy and to expand your customer base. Of course, acquiring new customers isn’t always easy, but we can help you with this. 

So, here’s our take on getting people to buy your products, even if they didn’t even know you existed. But first, you must know what you’re dealing with. So get clear on who’s your audience and on what it is exactly they’re looking for. 

Know your potential audience

Social proof is a real thing. You should start thinking of the user experience before you even meet that user. Knowing a thing or two about them before making the first impression will likely increase your chances of closing the first sale. 

Now that we know the audience we want to convert into our customers, it’s time to narrow it down even more! 

 Icons of people from different backgrounds with animal icons representing animal lovers.
Reach more customers by focusing on a niche! Animal lovers, fitness, dating & relationships, you name it!
Demographic segmentation

Get personal! Know whether you’re narrowing down your potential customer pool to a specific age range, gender, relationship status, or profession, to name a few. Segmenting your target market into small tiers will help you make accurate moves and decide if that new product you want to include in your Shopify store will be interesting for your audience. 

Best-selling artwork

Design with your customer in mind. What designs are your customers looking for these days? Find out what messages and values your niche connects and identifies with, and don’t dismiss that when creating your designs.

Always picture your design over the final product. Keep designs within the limits specified by the mockup tool, and make the most out of Fuel's print quality. Use contrasting colors with the color base, and keep the color options for your products to a short list, to not overwhelm your customers. 

One last thing, make your artwork reflect your target audience’s interests and hobbies, and now that you’ve mastered your artwork, it’s time to share it with the world. This brings us to our next point. Sometimes an introduction is easier through social media...even if it’s sponsored!

Bullet-proof social media marketing strategy

Social media platforms’ logos. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest
Choose the right social media channels’ mix depending on the goal you are planning to achieve!

Social media platforms are the place to be in this day and age. All kinds of brands experiment on a day-to-day basis with different types of content. So what works on Instagram might not work well on Twitter, which also applies to paid campaigns.

When your ideal customer hasn’t had the pleasure to meet you and browse your ecommerce, paid digital marketing campaigns can help you close that gap. The goal is to match a customer who’s looking to buy with your dynamic product selection.

Many print-on-demand sellers have found Facebook ads and Instagram ads to be a high converting marketing tool. However, you must consider several factors to produce effective ad campaigns. Luckily for you, we have these 5 tips to boost your Facebook campaigns to increase sales and improve your social media marketing strategy.


When investing in social media, make sure your ads are customized for your target market. Always think about your target consumer’s online behavior, and start from there.

Sounds simple, but it’s important that your message, or in this case, your ads, land on the right social media feeds. Don’t be afraid to play around and test different target audiences.


Advertising online isn’t always easy. Social media feeds are flooded with flashy imagery competing for users’ attention, so, to stand out, you must play your cards right. 

Use lifestyle mockups to display your products in a real-life setting to the best of your capacity. Powerful photography actually sells!

Ad copy

Social media ads will require that you only take up to 20% of the ad image for copy, so with that in mind, make your ad copy short and impactful

Once you’ve put yourself out there, you must close the deal, use a compelling call-to-action (CTA) to get prospects into actual paying customers. 

Email marketing strategy

Do you have access to a leads’ email list? Well, if so, approach your prospects and engage them through email marketing. Email continues to be the most effective channel to market to your potential clients, with an average ROI of 122%, according to eMarketer

Staying in touch through email will increase your chances of getting customers to buy your products when they feel ready, without being too pushy. Prove yourself to your prospects by sharing your expertise, which will help maintain their interest, and you can continue educating them through your email content. It’s a win-win!

Give them a slight push. You can also create a sense of urgency by offering flash sale coupons and discounts for them to use immediately.

Email icon opening animation with check mark coming out of an envelope.
According to Campaign Monitor, companies that use email marketing can enjoy higher sales and a more cost-efficient approach to their overall digital marketing strategy.

Let your reputation precede you

Your page’s setup can help prospects find you when looking for products you sell on search engines. Don’t underestimate the power of a well performed and executed keyword research. Your page’s SEO will help you get closer to your new customers. Improve your SEO strategy with our How to use the right keywords to increase your store traffic blog post. 

Keep building your brand's social media presence by sharing the stories of your happy customers. Share your customer reviews, since social proof is a powerful tactic to attract new prospects.

To dive more into this subject, check out our Top 5 strategies to build customer loyalty blog post.

Cursor clicking on a five-star rating scale.
Keep an eye on the quality and impact of your social media presence. Your new customer might be only a few scrolls away!

Final thoughts

Get to more customers through social media, Facebook ads, Instagram ads, or email marketing. When it comes to upgrading your digital marketing strategy game, you call the shots! But, remember, each seller can combine and choose their preferred marketing methods when it comes to how to get people to buy your product. 

Also, be sure to check out our Seize Get to Know Your Customers Day for Insights blog post to act on current customers’ insights and learn how to reach more customers.

For more print-on-demand marketing tips, visit our blog.

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