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11 min

Seize Get to Know Your Customers Day for Insights


Knowing your customer's interests, hobbies, and tastes can be a profitable advantage as a business owner. Many would argue that having great knowledge about your customers is the key to achieving business success. How do you start getting to know them? Well, the perfect holiday to do just that is fast approaching: Get to Know Your Customers Day. The best excuse for strengthening your relationship with your customers.

If you are wondering when is Get to Know Your Customers Day, this day is observed on the third Thursday of January, April, July, and October. It means there is one day of each quarter that you can devote to getting to know your customer base.

At Fuel, we know how valuable our customers are and how beneficial it can be for your business to understand them. So we've put together this list with our best Get to Know Your Customer's Day ideas to help you have loyal customers in any enterprise you take.

But first, why is it so important? Knowing your customers has plenty of benefits for them and your business. It's a win-win situation you need to be part of. Among the most valuable benefits you can:

  • Be on top of their needs which then becomes good for your business.
  • Identify unique opportunities for personalized marketing. You get to know what will work best for them.
  • Improve your customer service and your business in general. They are your best source for valuable feedback.

Now that you know that having a great relationship with your customers is not only essential but very valuable for business, how do you get to know them? Here are some great ideas to celebrate Get to Know Your Customers Day that will give you valuable insights about your consumers that you can use to improve your products or services.

Use your social media channels to get to know them

We are living in the social media era. It is easier than ever to learn about a person when they are posting about their interests, likes, dislikes, and everything in between on social media.

A great way to use this day is as a reminder to check for insights on social media. Tools like Facebook Insights will let you know your audience's interests, hobbies, locations, etc. You just need to have a Facebook page with your customers to start defining your target audience.

Let's face it; if we should care about anyone's opinions, it should be our customers. So, why not ask them directly? If your business thrives on Instagram, you can use the poll and question stickers to ask them for their opinion on your stories. Or don't be afraid of reaching out to them via email or direct message after a purchase to check their experience. Ask your customers how their purchase worked for them. Not only will you find out about your product, but you will learn more about your customer and the services they need.

Consumers also use social networks to talk about businesses. Have you checked your site's reviews? Besides good reviews, it is from the bad ones that we can learn the most. When dealing with a bad customer experience, do yourself questions similar to the following: What went wrong? Is there anything that you could have done differently to improve their experience? The answers to these will help you find the critical opportunity areas of your business.

Put any of these Get to Know Your Customer's social media ideas to the test and let us know through our social media channels which ones work better for you.  

Make a raffle or giveaway to show gratitude

Embrace this opportunity as a way to say thank you to your customer base by creating a raffle or giveaway. A fun way to let possible clients try your products or a way to make your loyal customers feel appreciated depending on who wins.

For more ideas on how to thank your customers, don’t miss our blog about 6 meaningful ideas to thank your customers.

Customer giving a 5 star review
Customer giving a 5 star review to the Fuel app

Have a great loyalty program as part of your marketing strategy

Do you have some recurring customers? Do you have their email addresses? If you do, congratulations! You have loyal customers and the perfect way to contact them. Now is the time to use personalized marketing. To show them how grateful you are for their business, you can send them a special offer or coupon. It will keep your brand on top of mind, and it is more likely that they'll take their opportunity if they are already fans of your products.

For example, if you know a customer loves dog-related designs and you have a new dog collection about to launch, let them know. It is very likely they will make another purchase since they already know your product's high quality and is about something they love.

Create ways to receive your customers' feedback

Simply put, without customers, there is no business. It doesn't matter if you have a big or a small business. And since communication is vital in any relationship, having your customers' feedback is an essential part of continually improving your business.

In order to serve your clients well, you need to know what you're doing right and what needs improvement. The best source for that information is the client. Try to establish a regular feedback loop where you ask clients what is working and what is not. This shows them that you care about their needs, not just selling products or building your client base.

For this to truly be effective, however, you also need to be willing to act on client feedback. When they see you implement one of their suggestions (or show that you are looking into it), you prove that you are listening and flexible.

The thing is to use all the tools we have at hand to understand our customers. The more you know, the best you can adapt to the constant changes and keep your business prospering. Now that we know some of your customers' needs, it's time to act on it and use this knowledge to improve your products. This will strengthen your customer relationship with your business over time.

Whatever you choose to celebrate this day, let's make sure you make your customers feel valued and appreciated. Now you are ready to put these ideas to the test and grow your business with all the insights you get.

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