Tips & Tricks
12 min

5 tips to boost your Facebook campaigns to increase sales


With so many Facebook users, there are thousands of opportunities for businesses to connect with their target market.

However, while creating organic content helps position your brand and build community with your audience, it takes more effort to reach the entire market truly.

Facebook platform is constantly making changes to its algorithms, which means that businesses need to be aware of the new strategies they need to implement to reach their audience.

Facebook’s most recent algorithm now shows its users more content from their acquaintances than business publications. This is the reason why it is necessary to implement good ad strategies.

Spending money does not necessarily mean success. You have to create a good strategy that suits your business objectives.

If you have already invested in some campaigns and haven’t had the results you expected, you should probably make some changes to your strategy.

So, the real question is: How to create Facebook ads that convert well?

Here are five tips that will help you improve your Facebook Ads strategy to increase your sales and reach your pod business audience:

Tip #1 It's all about targeting

Targeting the right audience with the perfect message is the key to create a successful campaign.

There are many stages in the consumer cycle but here are some tips you can start testing with your target market:  

  • Facebook remarketing:

Someone entered your store, added products to their cart, but did not complete the purchase. Remarketing is effective because it allows you to interact with the target that has already visited your store.

Here, it would help if you tried custom audiences. Custom audiences allow you to create five different types of target like customer file, website traffic, app activity, offline activity, and engagement.

Each of them will surely help you to reach your target in different ways.

  • Lookalike audiences:

Lookalike audiences it's related to custom audiences.

You have to use the information of the visitors you have had on your site to develop a new ad, and targeting people who have not visited your site but are similar to those who have seen it.

It's pretty logical, and it's a good practice for your Facebook Ads campaigns!

  • Be as specific as possible about your audience

When you set up an ad, the first thing you have to do is to select the basic demographics. However, choosing only the basics is a huge mistake if you want to reach a niche.

Be sure to be as specific as possible in each of the options, such as:

  • Location, age, gender. You cannot create the same ad for 18-year-olds as for 45-year-olds.
  • Interests. If you are selling something peculiar like women's basketball shirts, you should add all their claims.
  • Behavior. Add the target that it's already looking for your product or similar.
  • Detailed targeting. Add as many details as possible!

Tip #2 Conversion Ads

Using conversion ads can help you drive traffic from Facebook to your print-on-demand store.

Here are some ways to do it:

  • Drive strategic actions:

Help your customers to take the actions you want by defining the type of conversion you are looking for your business. How? Guiding them on every step during the purchase process.

Don’t forget to install the Facebook Pixel on your website and drive your conversions with the "Standard Events", it will help your business to measure and optimize your ads, as well as reach new possible buyers.

  • Automate your ads:

Facebook machine learning determines which ads must be served to people, helping you to maximize conversions and drive more website sales.

When you select automatic placements, your ads appear automatically across Facebook, Instagram, and Audience Network in the environment they are most likely to click in the ad.

You need to set a daily or lifetime budget, and Facebook will distribute them in the best place.

Two business man planning a Facebook strategy.
Facebook campaigns objectives

Tip #3 Implement best practices

Using different formats can help you reach your audience everywhere. Start creating a product catalog and using dynamic ads together for a better experience:

  • Product catalog

Creating a product catalog is another massive step to growing your sales online.

In other words, a catalog is a container that holds the information about the products you want to sell or advertise on Facebook. You can connect it to different types of ads to promote your products.

  • Dynamic ads

Once you created your product catalog, you can create ads to show the most relevant products people liked based on their past actions.

You can also use dynamic ads for retargeting the customers who previously visited your website with the products they liked.

Tip #4 Create a complete experience

Hundreds of ads appear to one user per day. What can you do to make your brand stand out from them all? Offer a complete shopping experience.

  • Facebook Canvas Ads:

Canvas ads are efficient in catching someone's attention. A jumble makes them of videos, images, texts, call-to-actions, and a lot of interactive templates, allowing your brand to immerse your audience into a storytelling experience.

They might seem complicated and time-consuming, but these ads take the consumers to the buying process instantaneously.

Fuel tip: Try to add at least one of these to your monthly ad planning.

  • Try different formats

Carousel Ads, Video Ads, GIF Ads, Lead Ads, Image Ads, among others.

The range of Facebook ads is quite complete to provide your audience with different options to attract their attention.

The important thing is to try all the formats until you find the one that works best for your market and vary the content so as not to saturate the user.

Tip #5 Use Facebook Analytics

It is always important to analyze the data to know what is working and what needs improvement.

Facebook Analytics helps you get a deeper understanding of how the people interact with your business across your web page, Facebook page, App, and everything in between.

You can measure your site activity using features like funnels, cohorts, demographics, and all types of segments to understand your audience.

Remember: To have complete data in Facebook Analytics, you need to add the Facebook Pixel to your website.

Making ads on Facebook is simple. The real work starts with identifying what type of ads work best for your target market, and identifying what ads drive the most conversions to your website.

Power sellers never give up!

Are you interested in knowing more about marketing trends? Read also: Marketing trends for boosting your e-commerce.

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