Tips & Tricks
13 min

Top 5 strategies to build customer loyalty


It is essential to know how to treat customers before starting a business. After all, they are the ones who make a business grow and be successful, right?

Several studies have shown that it costs five more times to acquire new customers than retain current customers. And, did you know that your existing customers are 50% more likely to try a new product of your brand?

As a business owner, you need to earn your customers' trust to continue supporting your brand. Here is where the concept of customer loyalty comes in.

So, let's start with the basics:

What is customer loyalty?

Customer loyalty is a customer's willingness to return to a business to make a repeat purchase. It typically happens when a customer has a delightful and remarkable experience with the brand or identifies with the product or service's values.

However, gaining customer loyalty it's not just about one factor. It's a result of many positive interactions with the client when it's making the purchase.

But why is it important?

Customer loyalty is something that every company should aspire to have.

First of all, customers spend more time with friendly brands and provide all the tools to make their purchase a success. It fosters a strong sense of trust, turning it into brand loyalty.

When customers decide to return to buy your products frequently, they will more likely recommend your brand to their friends and colleagues, which will drive you into the word of mouth marketing.

And secondly, buyers who keep coming back to your print-on-demand store will surely help you keep your high profits.

It's all about keeping your current customers happy and satisfied with your services.  

The real question is, how do you turn a shopper into a loyal brand follower?

Here are some top strategies that you can start using right now:

Communicate your values

A buyer will likely return to make another purchase if it feels identified with the brand values. Yes, from the moment you start your business, you must have in mind your brand's values and objectives to authentically convey them to your customers.

Answer yourself these questions: What makes your brand different? What are your purposes? What are your beliefs and values?

Fuel tip: Once you are clear about your values, share them with your customers, either by creating an "About Us" section of your website or sending an email telling them more about your brand.  

Provide an exceptional customer service

You should always give your customers the best possible service.

Did you know that 89% of customers believe that a quick response is essential when deciding who to buy from? People have high expectations from customer service.

Fuel tip: Respond quickly to customer requests.

  • Solve all their doubts
  • Be always grateful for their purchases

This way, they will feel listened to and will want to come back often, knowing someone can help them every step of the way.

Listen and respect customer feedback

Listening to every feedback doesn't mean that you must change everything they said. Instead, you can identify the possible improvements to provide a better experience.

Respecting your buyers' opinions and being a good listener is something that consumers appreciate tremendously. Surveys show that 24% of Americans have reviewed a product or service online. So, a quarter of your customers could be giving you the correct information of what you are doing exceptionally well and what needs improvement.

Fuel tip: Remember to provide your customers the support you would expect to have for a business.

Man happy with the shop online he made
Creating customer loyalty

Gain trust and credibility

There are some ideas for you to gain your customers’ trust and credibility:

  • Deliver the expected product or service:

Make sure your product photos are as close to reality as possible. Add detailed explanations of the fabrics, colors, sizes, and everything else so that no one could get disappointed with your product.

  • Have social media presence:

Social networks are perfect for creating bonds with consumers and making real connections.

You can use your social media to show more images of your products and communicate with your consumers more cheerfully and directly.

The more social networks you use, the more presence you will have in your consumers' lives.

Fuel tip: Read more about creating your top marketing strategy in every social media here.

Connect deeper

If you would like to continue to grow your relationship with your consumers, the best way to do so is to create a space to connect with the brand.

Creating a social media group or a forum on your website is an easy way to do this. Here you can answer questions deeply and continue interacting with your customers.

Fuel tip: Use all of these ideas to continue evolving and improving your business.

The world is changing every second, so you should always focus on your values and brand identity to be relevant and exciting for your target audience.

Building customer loyalty is all about constructing relationships. So, as with every relationship, it requires time and effort to keep it afloat.

Be honest, sincere, and authentic, and you'll see how quickly loyalty will grow.

Showing appreciation to your customers is one of the best ways to build a close relationship with your buyers. So, don’t forget to read more about it on: 6 meaningful ways to thank customers for their purchase

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