10 min

How to Boost your Ecommerce Conversion Rate in your POD Business?


Increasing your ecommerce conversion rate is crucial to achieving high sales volume.

But let’s take first things first: Your Shopify print-on-demand website needs a defined goal.

Once you start exploring your website conversion rate, you’ll see that you need to define what you want to monitor and measure. We know that your main goal will be to achieve as many sales as possible during the month. However, setting achievable objectives can help your business grow linearly until you reach your gold goal.

You’ll need not just one conversion rate to see how your website is performing, but you should track closely how many customers add items to their cart, how many people reach the checkout, how many people make a purchase, among others.

These stages can provide you with beneficial insights about what you need to optimize to provide a better customer experience and convert a significant number of visitors into your customers.

We put together some tips to help you get started:

Boosting your ecommerce conversion rate

Quality images, videos, and descriptions

Nowadays, adding simple formatting to your product descriptions, uploading poor-quality photos, or sharing low-resolution videos will not work on your site.

A long detailed description in a digestible tone of voice, product videos with straightforward explanations about the specs, and adding high-quality interactive photos could make a massive difference in improving your website conversion rates.

Mockup of three Shopify print-on-demand shirts
Fuel app Shopify print-on-demand shirts

Make sure your site is mobile-friendly

An e-commerce site optimized for all types of devices has a better chance of getting conversions than one that is not.

Mobile commerce keeps rising, so if your site is mobile-friendly, you have a better chance of converting.

Include reviews

Did you know that 92% of the customers don't buy a product if it doesn't come with a review?

Your online reputation and reviews directly impact your conversion rate.

So, add some reviews to your website and ask your customers to leave reviews or photos on social media. This will help to reduce or increase your conversion rate.

Track how customers interact with your website

It isn't easy to improve your site's conversion rate if you don't know how users interact with your Shopify print-on-demand website.

With Google Analytics and other types of analysis tools, you can see recordings and statistics of how users navigate your site, the bounce rate, and what elements or pages are standing out. This will help you to know which areas you need to optimize and to which you should pay more attention.

Write strong copy

Writing a powerful copy is necessary to catch your audience's attention among all your competitors. When people decide to buy online, they will trust in the written content they are reading, so you must tell a strong story.

Take the time to create meaningful and authentic lines that genuinely match your products' products and your brand's values.

Simplify your website design

Simplicity is everything.

Remove all those cumbersome elements from your site and leave room for what matters: that your users can easily navigate through your site.

If your ecommerce has too many distractions, the conversion rate will get low. So, by having a simple design and friendly navigation, your customers can focus on making their purchase!

Women boosting her website conversion rate
Boost your website conversion rate simplifying your design

Create FOMO

Have you ever heard about FOMO? It's the fear of missing out on something.

Many times people are just browsing through websites to see what is available without the intention of converting. However, if someone is visiting your website is because they must be interested in your products.

By applying FOMO on your website with messages like "Only three left in stock" or "Last-day offer," you can motivate your visitors to make a purchase and increase your conversion rate.

Apply A/B testing

The A/B testing is a process of showing two different variants on the same page simultaneously on your website to compare which one drives you more conversions.

You can play with your headlines, copies, colors, images, and CTA buttons to see what works best for your audience.

Improve your Page Speed

Did you know that 40% of users abandon a website if it doesn’t load in 3 seconds?

You can analyze your page speed with some tools like Google PageSpeed to test how much time it takes to load.

Once you get the results, you can improve your speed by compressing your images, make your site responsive, and many other things.

Another thing that can increase conversions on your website is to develop strategies on different platforms to redirect traffic to your site.

You can start promoting your products on popular platforms such as eBay, develop digital marketing strategies on social networks such as Twitter and Instagram, and implement SEO strategies to appear in the top Google searches.

The better optimized your site is, the more sales you get.

Keep fueling your business!

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