
How to Setup a Facebook Pixel on Shopify | Fuel POD


How to Setup a Facebook Pixel on Shopify

With more than 2.85 billion users worldwide, Facebook has crowned itself as the most relevant social media ads platform. That means that having a strong Facebook marketing strategy is now vital for both big and small companies.

Along with that, Facebook offers a lot of exciting tools and resources that can help you optimize your campaigns for better results while you make the most out of your budget.  If you’ve clicked on the title of this article, it means you’re ready to do so.

Why is the Facebook Pixel important? 

The Facebook pixel, or as we like to call it: the 8th Wonder of the World, is a powerful analytics tool that allows you to measure the performance of your ads by understanding the behavior of your site’s visitors. This pixel helps you to:

  • Show your ads to the right audience: To reach new prospects or encourage current customers to take a specific action on your website.
  • Increase your eCommerce sales: Find people who are more likely to purchase your products with the help of automatic bidding.
  • Understand the impact of your ads: Measure your results and analyze what happens when your target audience sees your ad.

Facebook has up to 18 different standard events. Events are actions that happen on your website, and these may vary depending on your site’s design. After you add your pixel on your Shopify print-on-demand store, you will be able to track the following:

Facebook events available for Shopify stores.
Create and install your Facebook pixel to take advantage of these events.

Sounds like magic, right? Now that you know what this piece of code is capable of, we’re sure you’re eager to add it to your site. Here’s a step-by-step guide to drive you through the process:

Create a Facebook pixel 

Even though it may sound like something a hacker would do, creating a Facebook pixel for your website is easier and faster than you think.

Before you start, remember: You must have the Facebook channel installed in your Shopify account. If you still haven’t done so, follow these instructions.

Image of Facebook Events Manager showing how to create a pixel.
Add a name to identify your pixel and paste your store’s URL to create it. 

If you already have Facebook’s channel on your account, you’re ready to get started:

  1. Go to your Events Manager on Facebook, click on Connect Data Sources and select Web.
  2. Select Facebook Pixel as a connection method, then click Connect.
  3. Choose a name for your pixel so you can identify it faster, add your store URL, and click Continue.

At this point, you should be able to see your pixel on the left side of your Events Manager dashboard.

How to install the Facebook pixel in your Shopify store? 

Once you have your pixel, it’s time to connect it to your website. Don’t worry! You don’t need to be a developer! Since Shopify is one of Facebook’s Partners, it only takes 5 steps to set it up:

GIF showing the steps to install Facebook pixel on Shopify stores.
Follow these steps to install your pixel successfully on your store. 

  1. Go to your Shopify admin, and select Facebook under the Sales Channels section. 
  2. Click Settings, then Data Sharing Settings.
  3. Under Customer Data Sharing, click the Enable Customer Data Sharing toggle.
  4. You can choose either Standard, Enhanced, or Maximum as your desired data sharing level.
  5. Select your pixel from the list and click Confirm.

And as simple as that, you’re good to start optimizing your ad campaigns and budget 😎

💡 Fuel Tip: Pixel-based retargeting ads are the most popular type of retargeting. Follow these steps to create your first campaign.

Important notes before you go:

  • You can create only one Facebook Pixel per Ad Account; however, you can install it on multiple websites and then separate your retargeting on Facebook. If you have websites or stores with very different audiences, then you might need multiple pixels.
  • Starting last May, iOS 14.5 was launched, and Apple now requires apps to obtain permission to track user behavior across websites and apps owned by third parties for advertising purposes. This means that if you use events from the Facebook pixel, you need to meet the following requirements.
  • Since you’re deciding how this data is processed, you need to make sure your customers understand how you collect and use their personal information. Don’t forget to include it on your site’s Privacy Policy.

Now that you have installed your pixel on Shopify, it’s time to level up your Facebook game. Take advantage of pixel events to understand your consumer’s in-site behavior, gather insights to create efficient social media ads that reach the right audience for your print-on-demand store, and see how your sales go up!

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