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How to Use Facebook Retargeting Ads to Boost Shopify Sales | Fuel POD


Boost Your Shopify Sales with Facebook Retargeting Ads 

Facebook retargeting ads are shown to the people who visited your website in the past or appear as contacts in your database. 

Did you know that 70% of website visitors who view retargeting ads are more likely to purchase than new visitors? Using this type of advertising is a powerful way for print-on-demand businesses to recapture attention of their prospects and previous customers and convert them.

Bar chart presenting the probability of purchase according to Facebook retargeting ads
Purchase percentage according to Facebook retargeting ads

So, if you are wondering how to get sales on Shopify using retargeting ads, it’s a great way to start. If you are new to this type of ads, or you have never used retargeting before, don’t worry. In this post, we’ll explain how to run Facebook retargeting ads: 

How do Facebook retargeting ads work?

As mentioned earlier, retargeting is an effective marketing tool that targets your ads on Facebook to the people who have shown interest in your Shopify site (we hope, it’s powered with Fuel!)  before. This allows you to focus on a more specific target audience and remind them how great your product is or why they should buy from you. 

There are two main types of retargeting: pixel-based and list-based:

  • Pixel-based

This is the most popular type of retargeting. It uses the Facebook pixel you install on your website to re-display your products or ads to any previous visitor. 

When someone visits your website, a cookie in their browser is saved with the information, and once they leave your site, that cookie notifies the retargeting platform to show the ads you created when they visit Facebook. 

Retargeting ads can be shown immediately after visitors leave your site or based on specific patterns in  consumer's behavior.

  • List-based

On the other hand, list-based retargeting works with the contact information of a CRM (customer relationship management) database that you already have. 

You need to upload a list of email addresses or other identifiers to your campaign, and then Facebook will identify the profiles of the data owners. This is a less common way of retargeting, but it’s also highly effective because you have more control over the messaging sent to every uploaded list. 

Simple steps to create your retargeting campaign 

Once you have decided to start using retargeting campaigns, it is easy to create them. 

Just remember that you already need to have a Business Manager account to start developing your ads. Read more about how to create a Facebook marketing strategy here. 

  • Step 1: Before you start, make sure that you have set up a Facebook pixel on your website.
  • Step 2: Log in to your Facebook Ads Manager on the dropdown menu on the left side of your business manager and click on Create a new campaign.
  • Step 3: Choose a goal between awareness or conversion, and when choosing your audience, click on Create audiences and select "Custom audiences."
  • Step 4: You'll see different options, but you'll have to choose website traffic for creating retargeting ads. Here you'll have to determine your destination URL. 
  • Step 5: Set your budget and create your ads according to your marketing goals.
  • Step 5: You'll have an option to target anyone who visits your website, people who visit specific pages, people who haven't visited your website in a certain amount of time, or a custom combination.

Screen recording of steps on how to create a retargeting campaign on Facebook
How to create a retargeting campaign

Choose what works best for your objectives!

It is essential that once you have created your ads, you start tracking your website click results, reach, CTR, CPC, and total spend to check on the ad effectiveness. 

Retargeting vs. remarketing

Retargeting and remarketing are often confused because they share some similarities. However, there are some differences between them. 

Creating retargeting ads helps showcase your business to those who have visited your website before, even though they didn’t make any purchase, by showing them your products again. Retargeting ads help send a customized l message or an offer.

But, if you want to re-engage some inactive or past customers, you need to create a remarketing strategy. Remarketing will help you to reactivate your relationship with your past customers by using some marketing tactics.

Now you know the difference between these two!

Women seeing in her computer some Facebook retargeting ads
Facebook retargeting ads allows you to reach new prospects

Best practices 

When you use retargeting ads, visitors will automatically see ads for the products that they saw on your print-on-demand website.

Here are some best practices you can start applying to your strategy:

  • Create audience exclusions: When creating a custom combination on your campaign, you can exclude some people, such as those who have made a recent purchase, to attract new customers or re-engage with those who haven't visited your site in a while. 
  • Define your audience segmentation: Customers who visited your website in the past two days are more likely to buy something than those who visited your page a month ago. Segment your audience and create different ads according to actions, periods, devices, and product categories to have a more accurate reach with each audience.
  • Use cross-selling and up-selling strategies: You can reach people who recently purchased a product through cross-selling or by offering them complementary products to the ones they are buying with upselling.
  • Use offers and discounts: if the customers didn’t buy from you the first time they visited your website, and specifically if they abandoned your shopping cart, offering discounts, bundled product offers and promotions is an effective way to lure them back in and incentivize them to complete the purchase. 

Using retargeting ads is a great way to keep close to the visitors who have shown interest in your products. 

Before you start creating your campaigns:

  • Make sure you have defined goals
  • Explore all types of campaigns available
  • Determine the platforms you can use
  • And, of course, match everything to your core objectives

If one of your main goals is to boost your ecommerce conversion rate, you'll also be interested in our blog post: How to Boost your Ecommerce Conversion Rate in your POD Business.

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