How to Market Your Print on Demand Products | Fuel POD


How to Market Your Print on Demand Products

Let's assume you've reached this point after setting up the best price strategy for your print-on-demand business, congrats! You are now ready to start marketing your products.

But, how do you begin to market your POD products? This can be a hard-to-find answer that usually requires a lot of trial and error. Fortunately, you can always count on Fuel to save you the trouble, since here we disclose the best marketing tips and tricks to promote your print on demand products and give you ideas on how to start 😉 

Learn all about your audience

By this point, you probably have one specific customer in mind to reach with your business. You've picked a particular niche and created at least one buyer persona to work with. It's time to go through all that information you gathered in your market research, add more, and update it. This way, you can have a greater understanding of what drives your potential buyers to purchase.  

On the other hand, if you haven't created a buyer persona yet, now is the best time to start! In the image below, we simplify the steps to create a buyer persona for a print on demand business

Graphic with steps to create a buyer persona for a POD business.
Steps to create a buyer persona for your POD business.

Creating a buyer persona will give you a lot of insights about your potential customers. In addition, having at least one or several buyer personas will facilitate your decision-making process based on data; who doesn't want that? 

After learning all about your potential customers, you can start planning how to market your print-on-demand products to them because you'll know how to get in front of them easily.

💡 Fuel Tip: Customers don't care about brands; they care about how brands can serve them.

Create expectation

Once you know your audience, the next step is to create an experience for them. Here are a few ideas that can be very powerful to build momentum for your store launch: 

  • Post sneak peeks on social media of your products and designs
  • Create images and videos that give your audience a sense of what they can anticipate from your brand
  • Add launch dates in the copy of your posts and images  
  • Set reminders on Instagram Stories with the countdown sticker 

After the launch, you can also use these ideas to build anticipation when presenting new products or collections coming to your online store. 


Storytelling is the process of using a narrative to communicate a message. When you share a story about your brand or business in a way that is engaging and evokes feelings from your audience, you let customers connect to your brand on a deeper level. Follow this process to craft the perfect story: 

Graphic explaining the storytelling process 
Storytelling is a powerful way to market your print on demand products.
  1. Define the message. Having a clear message will make your story easier to create and to understand for your audience.  
  2. Define the purpose. In business, you can use stories to sell, entertain, educate, incite action, collaborate, let people get to know you or your values, etc. Having a clear purpose will make it easier to craft your story and cut the unnecessary parts.    
  3. Use a compelling call to action. Once you define the objective of sharing the story, you should include a strong call to action to encourage your audience to take your desired action, like buying your products.    

Storytelling has been the way people make sense of the world since the beginning of time, making it one of the best strategies out there to promote your products online.

Showcase your products in a unique way

Gone are the days when sharing a basic image of your product was enough to attract a customer. Competition for attention on social media is fierce, so you need to use creativity to show your products uniquely. It's a good thing the alternatives are endless. Here are some ideas that can help you attract attention:

Video is king 

Most people rather watch a small video than read a long format post. This is the reason why TikTok videos and Reels on Instagram are a powerful type of content. But they are not the only options; YouTube is one of the largest social media platforms and a great way to promote your products. A good idea is to create fun unboxing videos to drive attention to your products.  

💡 Fuel Tip: Use your social media analytics to see what kind of content resonates more with your audience or gets better results to create more content similar to it. 

Select cool mockups

Remember that you are building your brand experience, so your images and videos need to project what you want. Make sure you use high-quality photos always. Overall, you need to keep your customer in mind and use your product photos as a tool to target them.

Cool video mockup of a man pointing to a print-on-demand t-shirt, cool videos are a great way to promote POD products
Try presenting your products in a fun way with cool mockups

User-generated content 

Encourage buyers to send you pictures of them wearing or using your products. This type of content is a great way to build trust among your niche community. You can offer them a special discount in exchange to create a win-win situation.   

Another great idea is to consider your audience's opinion in contests to decide your next design or product idea. This will help you better understand your target audience while giving your customers a voice, making them feel part of the conversation.

Share reviews on socials

When you share testimonials and reviews of your products, you are basically letting your satisfied customers sell your products for you. They will build trust and credibility for your website and can help you change every skeptical mind.

Offer exclusive promotions for new products

Looking for a way to attract customers' attention? Offer exclusive deals and promos. Customers love finding a good deal, and a great promotion will give them the final push they need to complete the purchase. You can find some cool promotion ideas in the image below:   

Graphic with the top types of promotions to sell print-on-demand products online 
How to promote your print on demand products: Offer exclusive promotions 

Upsell features

Upselling is a tool that suggests upgrades to your customers when making a purchase, like adding an extra product. 

Activating upsell features on your store can increase your Average Order Volume, and therefore your revenue with minimal effort. If your store is on Shopify, you can use these tools to offer upsells: 

💡 Fuel Tip: Use the free trials of the upsell apps to try them and decide which one works best for your online store.

Sometimes all this information can feel like a lot to process, but you can trust Fuel to take you step by step along your entrepreneurial journey. We hope these marketing ideas help you grow your sales quickly and turn your print-on-demand business into a very successful one! 

Next up, we have an incredible blog that will help you create the best marketing strategy for your POD Business 😎

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